News of the Tula state university.
Technical sciences. ISSN 2071-6168

Subscription index: 27851 (Integrated Catalogue "Press of Russia").
Mass Media Registration Certificate: PI No. FS77-75986 dated June 19, 2019 y.
Year of foundation of the edition: 2007 y.
Frequency: 12 releases a year.
List of VAK: included.

Enlarged groups and corresponding scientific specialties for which the collection is included in the new edition “List of reviewed scientific publications - HAC”:


Mechanical Engineering and Machine Science

2.5.5. Technology and equipment of mechanical and physical-technical processing (technical sciences)
2.5.6. Mechanical engineering technology (technical sciences)
2.5.7. Technologies and pressure treatment machines (technical sciences)
2.5.2. Machine science (technical sciences)
2.5.8. Welding, related processes and technologies (technical sciences)
2.5.11. Ground transportation and technological means and complexes (technical sciences)
2.5.21. Machines, aggregates and technological processes (technical sciences)
2.5.22. Product quality management. Standardization. Organization of production (technical sciences)

Electrical Engineering

2.4.2. Electrotechnical complexes and systems (technical sciences)

Computer Science, Computer Engineering and Management

2.3.1. System analysis, management and information processing (technical sciences)
2.3.3. Automation and control of technological processes and productions (technical sciences)
2.3.5. Mathematical and software support of computer systems, complexes and computer networks (technical sciences)

Editor-in-chief of the Technical Sciences series:
Larin Sergej Nikolaevich, doctor of technical sciences, director of the Polytechnic Institute, TSU,
ph. (4872) 25-46-33; e-mail:

Deputy Editor-in-Chief:
Antsev Alexander Vitalievich, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Deputy directory of the political institute, TulSU
The telegram.. (4872) 25-46-35;

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Example of the basic elements of the article: (download)