News of the Tula state university.
Economic and legal sciences. ISSN 2071-6184

Subscription index: 27854 (The United Catalog of the Press of Russia).
Mass Media Registration Certificate: PI No. FS77-75988 of June 19, 2019
Year of foundation of publication: 2007
Frequency: 4 issues per year.
List of VAK: included.

The enlarged groups and the corresponding scientific specialties, in which the collection is included in the new edition "List of peer-reviewed scientific publications - VAK":


5.1.4. Criminal law sciences (legal sciences)

Editor-in-chief of the Economic and Legal Sciences series:
Berestnev Mihail Aleksandrovich, candidate of legal sciences, docent, director of the Institute of Law and Management, TSU,
ph. 8(4872) 35-22-80; e-mail:

Deputy Chief Editor:
Sabinina A.L., Doctor of Economics, TSU,

Executive Secretary for Economic Sciences:
Hlynin Jeduard Valentinovich, doctor of economics sciences, professor, TSU,
ph. 8(4872) 35-20-12; e-mail:

Authorized representative of Tula State University in RSCI:
Bogomolova A.G., candidate of law, TSU

Members of the editorial board responsible for the branch of science and / or a group of scientific specialties:
Alyokhin S.N., Doctor of Economics (Offices of the Federal Tax Service of Russia in Tula region, Tula);
Anisimov V.F., doctor of jurisprudence (Ugra State University, Khanty-Mansiysk);
Babanov V.N., Doctor of Economics (REU Tula branch of G.V. Plekhanov, Tula);
Golovin A.Yu., doctor of jurisprudence (the representative for protection of the rights of businessmen in Tula region, Tula);
Konovalov S.I., doctor of jurisprudence (TSU, Tula);
Korshunova G.V., Doctor of Economics (The Tula branch of the Financial university at the Government of the Russian Federation, Tula);
Lapshin V.F., doctor of jurisprudence (Ugra State University, Khanty-Mansiysk);
Osokin R.B., doctor of jurisprudence (Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V.Ya. Kikot, Moscow);
Petryanin A.V., doctor of jurisprudence (Nizhny Novgorod Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Nizhny Novgorod);
Rostovtseva L.I., doctor of social sciences, Candidate of Economic Sciences (REU Tula branch of G.V. Plekhanov, Tula);
Shashkova I.G., Doctor of Economics (Ryazan state agrotechnological university of P.A. Kostychev, Ryazan);
Smirnova S.N., Candidate of Economic Sciences (TSU, Tula);
Tishutina I.V., doctor of jurisprudence (The Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of V.Ya. Kikotya, Moscow);
Tolstukhina T.V., doctor of jurisprudence (TSU, Tula);
Vasin L.A., Doctor of technical sciences (TSU, Tula);
Volchetskaya T.S., doctor of jurisprudence (Baltic federal university of I. Kant, Kaliningrad);
Zvyagintseva O.P., Doctor of Economics (Vladimir legal institute FSIN of Russia, Vladimir)

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